스터디/Unity 2018. 11. 16. 17:23

[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크

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여러 튜토리얼들 

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디버그 중 State를 알트+클릭하면 임시로 트랜지션이 되도록 해볼 수 있다

트랜지션 부분을 알트+클릭하면 그 이벤트가 연결된 다음 스테이트로 넘어간다

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스크립트에서 플레이메이커 접근하기


State Machine 디자인하기
-FSM 디스크립션에 이 FSM이 어떤 behavior를 하게될지 서술해본다. 
-그래프뷰에서 대강 배치를 하면서 흐름을 크게 그려본다
-실제로 액션을 넣기 전에 스테이트에 Debug Log를 추가하면서 알트클릭으로 체크하며 테스트한다
-작은 여러 FSM들이 모여 큰 FSM이 되도록
-스탠다이즈된 이벤트 네임을 쓴다 “activate” “turnOn”

NoExit 예제

인벤토리 예제

애니메이션 기능 튜토리얼

스터디/Unity 2018. 11. 16. 13:51

[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트

Action Reference


Animate Variables Actions

These actions animate variable values over time using curves and easing. Use these actions to animate parameters in other actions.

Animation Actions

OTE: These actions use the Legacy Animation System in Unity. There is a newer animation system called Mecanim Animator that can be controlled with Animator Actions. However, in some situations it can be simpler to use these animation actions.
Most Animation Actions require an Animation Component on the game object. 
*가끔 옵션들이 히든되어있을수 있기 때문에 Debug 뷰 선택해야 될 수 있음
애니메이션과 애니메이션이벤트를 유니티 Animation View 에서 생성할 수 있다. 이렇게 만들어진 애니메이션은 PlaymakerFSM으로 animation events 형태로 전달 가능하다
- 게임오브젝트를 서택해서 Window>Animation에서 애니메이션을 추가하고, 타임라인에 애니메이션이벤트를 추가한다. 그리고 SendEvent(String) 함수를 선택하여 보낼 이벤트명 설정. 그러면 PlaymakerFSM에서 보내짐

유니티 Legacy Animation System

Animator Actions

Animator Actions use Unity's powerful Mecanim Animator System. Most Animator Actions require an Animator Component on the game object. 

유니티 Mecanim Animator System

Application Actions


High level actions to control the application.

Array Actions


These actions are used with Array Variables. An Array lets you work with a collection of values.

Audio Actions

Audio actions control AudioSource components on game objects. Note, the AudioSource component provides a nice GUI to control advanced audio features. 

Camera Actions

Character Actions

Character Actions work with a Character Controller on a Game Object.

Color Actions

Color actions manipulate color variables.


Convert Actions

Convert Actions convert variables between different types.

NOTE: 1.9.0 can now auto-convert between many variable types.

Debug Actions

Device Actions


모바일 디바이스

Effects Actions


Enum Actions


GameObject Actions

GameObject Actions deal with Unity Game Objects and the scene hierarchy.

GUI Actions

GUI actions require manual placement. For automatically laid out controls see GUI Layout Actions.

Unity also has a GUI Element system which uses GUIText and GUITexture components on game objects. See GUI Element Actions

See also PlayMakerGUI Inspector

GUI Element Actions


GUI Elements are set up in the Unity editor by adding GUIText or GUITexture components to a game object (Main Menu > Component > Rendering...).

These GUI Elements respond to mouse events in Playmaker (MOUSE OVER, MOUSE DOWN...), so it's very easy to set up their states.

GUI Element actions control the appearance of GUI Elements:

GUILayout Actions

GUILayout actions mirror Unity's GUILayout system. See Unity Docs.


Input Actions

Level Actions

Level actions deal with level loading and creation.

Lights Actions


Lights actions perform operations on Unity Lights.

Logic Actions

Logic actions perform comparisons and tests on variables. (Compare, Test, Switch...). They generally send events based on the results.

Material Actions

Mesh Actions

Unity Physics docs:

Vector3 Actions

Physics actions make heavy use of Vector3 variables. See Vector3 Actions.

Physics 2d Actions


PlayerPrefs Actions


Quaternion Actions


Rect Actions


Rect Transform Actions



Scene Actions

ScriptControl Actions

StateMachine Actions


String Actions