검색결과 리스트
스터디/수업에 해당되는 글 3건
- 2015.07.13 [문화기술론] Syllabus
- 2015.07.13 [사운드 디자인과 프로그래밍] Syllabus
- 2015.07.13 [HCI] Syllabus
[문화기술론] Syllabus
Introduction to Culture Technology [문화기술론]
구본철(Goo, Boncheol)
이성희(Sung-Hee, Lee)
Lecture Description
This mandatory course for the new-coming students at the GSCT introduces a new world of 'Culture Technology'. The course begins with the framework for studying the intersection between culture and technology, and proceeds to the basic builing blocks of CT.
Lecture Schedule
1week Orientation for new students
2week Overview of CT
3week HCI
4week Media Content & Exhibition
5week Student's Presentation (Proposal)
6week Film & CG
7week Music/Sound/Performance Technology
8week Midterm Exam
9week Game
10week Culture Industry
11week Student's Presentation (Report)
12week Culture Data
13week Expressive/Design Technology
14week Open Discussion
15week Group Project Showcase
16week Final Report
Evaluation Criteria
class attendance and participation (20%)
Report (20%)
Class presentation (20%)
Group project (40%)
'스터디 > 수업' 카테고리의 다른 글
[사운드 디자인과 프로그래밍] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |
[HCI] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |
[사운드 디자인과 프로그래밍] Syllabus
Sound Design and Programming
구본철(Goo, Boncheol)
Lecture Description
이 강의는 음향/음악/영상의 예술적 접근방법과 사운드를 기반으로 하는 실시간 인터랙션 디자인에 관한 기본과정이다. 강의에 사용되는 MaxMSP와 Jitter(http://www.cycling74.com)는 미디어 아티스트를 위해 개발된 구조식 프로그래밍 언어이며, 실시간 영상/음향 처리의 유연성과 마우스, 자판, 미디악기, 센서, 네트워크 등을 이용한 컴퓨터의 제어능력이 특히 유용하다. 프로그래밍 언어의 능력이 전혀 없는 초보자도 쉽게 이해하고 짧은 시간에 결과물을 직관적으로 확인할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 인터랙티브 뉴미디어 아트의 폭넓은 연구에 관심 있는 학생들에게 기본지식과 제작경험을 제공하는 것이 본 강의의 목적이다.
Lecture Schedule
1week: Overview of Sound and Computer Music
2week: Exercises in Max objects
3week: MIDI Data Processing
4week: Audio Signal Processing
5week: Shape Animation
6week: Video Signal Processing
7week: Networking
8week: Open Test
9week: Student's Presentation (Proposal)
10week: Sound Synthesis Processing
11week: Image Compositing
12week: Sound Effects
13week: User Interface
14week: Student's Presentation (Report)
15week: Open Discussion
16week: Final paper and presentation
A. Attendance: 20 % B. Midterm exam: 20 C. Project: 40 % D .Presentation: 20 %
'스터디 > 수업' 카테고리의 다른 글
[문화기술론] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |
[HCI] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |
[HCI] Syllabus
Human Computer Interaction
Professor Ji-Hyun Lee
OBJECTIVES | This course will introduce students to investigate the core concepts of HCI and the process of interaction design, which are identifying needs and establishing requirements, developing alternative designs, building prototypes of the designs and evaluating what is being built throughout the process. Methodologies for accessing users' needs and requirements and evaluating the alternative designs will be introduced as the basic tools of design practice. Students will be expected to be familiar with the essential contextual design methodologies and graphical representation skills using words, images, sound, and time to communicate efficiently through the course project. |
TEXTBOOKS | 1. Dix, A., J.E. Finlay, G.D. Abowd and R. Beale (2003). Human-Computer Interaction (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. 2. (Optional) Roger, Y., Sharp, H. and Preece, J. (2011). Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction (3rd ed.). Wiley. 3. (Optional) Saffer, D. (2009). Designing for Interaction (2nd ed.). New Riders Press. |
COURSE REQUIREMENTS | Students' participation in the course will involve the following activities: attending and participating in lectures, reading the textbooks, doing the homework assignments and mini projects. The grade will break down as follows: 1 Project: 80% (10% + 15% + 15% + 15% + 15% + 10% each) |
In reading section, D is Dix et al. (2003), R is Roger et al. (2011) and S is Saffer (2009).
You should periodically check this website to get your Assignments.
'스터디 > 수업' 카테고리의 다른 글
[문화기술론] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |
[사운드 디자인과 프로그래밍] Syllabus (0) | 2015.07.13 |