Lights actions perform operations on Unity Lights.
검색결과 리스트
PlayMaker에 해당되는 글 13건
- 2018.12.26 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 8, UI - Input field
- 2018.11.16 [Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크
- 2018.11.16 [Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트
- 2018.11.16 [Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트
- 2018.11.16 [Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트
- 2018.11.12 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌
- 2018.11.11 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌
- 2018.11.11 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌
- 2018.11.04 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌
- 2018.11.04 [Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 3, 변수의 응용 - 환쟁이님 강좌
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 8, UI - Input field
UI 앵커포인트는 Sketch 앱 처럼 좌측상단을 0점으로 바꿔줘야 좀 편한듯
완성 :)
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 8, UI - Input field (0) | 2018.12.26 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트
06 - Platform Color Change
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 8, UI - Input field (0) | 2018.12.26 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트
System Events
Core Events
NOTE: "game object" refers to the game object that owns the FSM.
Event | Description | Unity Docs |
START | Sent when the state machine is enabled. | N.A. |
FINISHED | Sent when all actions on the active state have finished. See Actions. | N.A. |
LEVEL LOADED | Sent after a new level is loaded. | OnLevelWasLoaded |
BECAME VISIBLE | Sent when the game object becomes visible by any camera. | OnBecameVisible |
BECAME INVISIBLE | Sent when the game object is no longer visible by any camera. | OnBecameInvisible |
Physics Events
NOTE: After a COLLISION or TRIGGER event you can use GetCollisionInfo, GetTriggerInfo, or GetControllerHitInfo to get more info on the collision/trigger event.
COLLISION ENTER | Sent when the game object first collides with another object. | OnCollisionEnter |
COLLISION EXIT | Sent when the game object stops colliding with another object. | OnCollisionExit |
COLLISION STAY | Sent while the game object is colliding with another object. | OnCollisionStay |
TRIGGER ENTER | Sent when the game object enters a trigger volume. | OnTriggerEnter |
TRIGGER EXIT | Sent when the game object exits a trigger volume. | OnTriggerExit |
TRIGGER STAY | Sent while the game object stays inside a trigger volume. | OnTriggerStay |
CONTROLLER COLLIDER HIT | Sent when the character controller on the game object collides with an object. | OnControllerColliderHit |
COLLISION ENTER 2D | Sent when the game object first collides with a 2D Collider. | OnCollisionEnter2D |
COLLISION EXIT 2D | Sent when the game object stops colliding with a 2D Collider. | OnCollisionExit2D |
COLLISION STAY 2D | Sent while the game object is colliding with a 2D Collider. | OnCollisionStay2D |
TRIGGER ENTER 2D | Sent when the game object enters a 2D Trigger. | OnTriggerEnter |
TRIGGER EXIT 2D | Sent when the game object exits a 2D Trigger. | OnTriggerExit |
TRIGGER STAY 2D | Sent while the game object stays inside a 2D Trigger. | OnTriggerStay |
PARTICLE COLLISION | Sent when a particle hits a Collider. See unity docs for more info. | OnParticleCollision |
JOINT BREAK | Sent when a Joint attached to the same game object breaks. | OnJointBreak |
JOINT BREAK 2D | Sent when a Joint2D attached to the same game object breaks. | OnJointBreak2D |
Mouse Events
TIP: Mouse events are useful in state machines that control GUIText or GUITexture components. See GUI Element Actions.
MOUSE DOWN | Sent when the mouse clicks on the game object. | OnMouseDown |
MOUSE DRAG | Sent while the mouse button is down and over the game object. | OnMouseDrag |
MOUSE ENTER | Sent when the mouse rolls over the game object. | OnMouseEnter |
MOUSE EXIT | Sent when the mouse rolls off the game object. | OnMouseExit |
MOUSE OVER | Sent while the mouse is over the game object. | OnMouseOver |
MOUSE UP | Sent when the mouse button is released over the game object. | OnMouseUp |
MOUSE UP AS BUTTON | Sent when the mouse button is released over the same GUI Element or Collider it was pressed on. | OnMouseUpAsButton |
Application Events
APPLICATION FOCUS | Sent when the Application gets focus. |
APPLICATION PAUSE | Sent when the Application is paused. |
APPLICATION QUIT | Sent right before the Application quits. |
UI Events
NOTE: The owner needs the appropriate UI Components to send UI Events. If you want to target other GameObjects use UI Actions.
UI CLICK | Sent when a Button is pressed. Game object needs a Button component. |
UI BEGIN DRAG | Sent before a drag is started. |
UI DRAG | Sent every time the pointer is moved during dragging. |
UI END DRAG | Sent when a drag is ended. |
UI DROP | Sent when an object accepts a drop. |
UI POINTER UP | Sent when a mouse click is released. |
UI POINTER CLICK | Sent when a click is detected. |
UI POINTER DOWN | Sent during ongoing mouse clicks until release of the mouse button |
UI POINTER ENTER | Sent when the mouse begins to hover over the GameObject. |
UI POINTER EXIT | Sent when the mouse stops hovering over the GameObject. |
UI BOOL VALUE CHANGED | Sent when a Toggle value changes. Game object needs a Toggle component. Use Get Event Bool Data to get the value. |
UI FLOAT VALUE CHANGED | Sent when a Slider or Scrollbar value changes. Game object needs a Slider or Scrollbar component. Use Get Event Float Data to get the value. |
UI INT VALUE CHANGED | Sent when a Dropdown selection changes. Game object needs a Dropdown component. Use Get Event Int Data to get the value. |
UI VECTOR2 VALUE CHANGED | Sent when a ScrollRect value changes. Game object needs a ScrollRect component. Use Get Event Vector2 Data to get the value. |
UI END EDIT | Sent when when editing of an InputField has ended. Owner needs an InputField component. |
User Events
User events are usually named for clarity: Open Door, Turn On, Turn Off etc.
You can make/edit these events in the Event Manager.
Sending Events
There are a few ways to send events to an FSM:
- Using Actions
- Using Animation Events
- Sending event from scripts.
Sending Events From Actions
The most basic Actions to send an event:
Other Actions send events based on conditions:
Events are essential to the flow of an FSM, so many actions send them.
Global Events
Events can be marked as Global in the Event Manager. Global events can be sent between FSMs.
Do not confuse Global Events with Global Transitions.
Event Data
You can associate data with an event using Set Event Data. For example, you could set the amount of damage to inflict with a Do Damage event.
You can get information and data associated with an event using Get Event Info. For example, you could read the amount of damage associated with a Do Damage event.
*콜리젼과 트리거 차이?
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 참고 북마크 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트
Action Reference
Animate Variables Actions
Animation Actions
Animator Actions
Application Actions
High level actions to control the application.
Array Actions
These actions are used with Array Variables. An Array lets you work with a collection of values.
Audio Actions
Camera Actions
Character Actions
Color Actions
Convert Actions
Convert Actions convert variables between different types.
NOTE: 1.9.0 can now auto-convert between many variable types.
Debug Actions
Effects Actions
Enum Actions
GameObject Actions
GUI Actions
GUI actions require manual placement. For automatically laid out controls see GUI Layout Actions.
Unity also has a GUI Element system which uses GUIText and GUITexture components on game objects. See GUI Element Actions
See also PlayMakerGUI Inspector
GUI Element Actions
GUI Elements are set up in the Unity editor by adding GUIText or GUITexture components to a game object (Main Menu > Component > Rendering...).
These GUI Elements respond to mouse events in Playmaker (MOUSE OVER, MOUSE DOWN...), so it's very easy to set up their states.
GUI Element actions control the appearance of GUI Elements:
GUILayout Actions
Input Actions
Level Actions
Lights Actions
Material Actions
Mesh Actions
Unity Physics docs:
- Physics Components:
- Physics Overview:
- Colliders and Collision Action Matrix:
Vector3 Actions
Physics actions make heavy use of Vector3 variables. See Vector3 Actions.
Physics 2d Actions
PlayerPrefs Actions
Quaternion Actions
Rect Actions
Rect Transform Actions
Scene Actions
ScriptControl Actions
StateMachine Actions
String Actions
Time Actions
Transform Actions
Trigonometry Actions | 삼각법
UI Actions
Actions for the Unity UI System.
NOTE: These actions replace the uGUI Addon.
UnityObject Actions
Vector2 Actions
Vector3 Actions
Video Actions
WWW Actions
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] Playmaker 플레이메이커 공식 튜토리얼 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌
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'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 이벤트 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌
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'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 플레이메이커 Playmaker 액션 레퍼런스 리스트 (0) | 2018.11.16 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 3, 변수의 응용 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌
- 1_PlayerSelectFSM으로부터 GameObject 변수를 받아와서 Obj_Selected 변수에 쌓는다 (global체크) <Get Fsm Game Object>
- Select_N Select_Y 이벤트 추가
- <Get Object Is Null> 오브젝트가 Null 인지 판단하고
- Null 이면 Select_N 이벤트로 이전 스테이트로 돌아가고
- Null이 아니면 Select_Y로 Ready To Move 스테이트로 이동
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 7, get/set property 2- 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.12 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 3, 변수의 응용 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 2 - Game Artz님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.03 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 6, get/set property - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 3, 변수의 응용 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 2 - Game Artz님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.03 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker again! (0) | 2018.10.29 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 3, 변수의 응용 - 환쟁이님 강좌
- Add FSM
'스터디 > Unity' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 5, 두 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.11 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 4, 플레이어의 이동 - 환쟁이님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.04 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker 연습하기 2 - Game Artz님 강좌 (0) | 2018.11.03 |
[Unity] 작업노트 - Playmaker again! (0) | 2018.10.29 |
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