Christian Nold

Christian Nold

Christian Nold is an artist, designer and educator working to develop new participatory models for communal representation. In 2001 he wrote the well received book ‘Mobile Vulgus’, which examined the history of the political crowd and which set the tone for his research into participatory mapping. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2004, Christian has led a number of large scale participatory projects and worked with a team on diverse academic research projects. In particular his ‘Bio Mapping’ project has received large amounts of international publicity and been staged in 16 different countries and over 1500 people have taken part in workshops and exhibitions. These participatory projects have a strong pedagogical basis and grew out of Christian’s formal university teaching. He is currently based at the Bartlett, University College London.



Technology is not the neutral, rational instrument that it is portrayed as; instead it appears to be a heady and unstable mix of authoritarian control and anarchic mischief.

My approch is to slip into the gap between these two poles and use it as my medium by combining the freedom offered by the art world with the agency obtainable through design and technology. My aim is to build new tools that reek of possibility and also possible misuse.

The first part of my work is the in-depth research of technological tools in order to unravel their social and political layers. This has so far included the book Mobile Vulgus which scrutinized the mind state and weaponry of the riot policeman. In particular it focused on the futuristic crowd control technologies being developed for use in our streets.

The second part of my practice involves the building of socially constructive, bottom-up tools. These take the form of practical tools such as the Bio Mapping project or the Affect Browser.

I am interested in working with individuals, groups, companies and institutions that are trying to develop new hybrid forms of technology that are socially and economically sustainable.

Complexity Maps 3. Thomas Laureyssens - Pedestrian Levitation

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사용자 삽입 이미지

Pedestrian Levitation

공공예술(거리예술) 프로젝트, 횡단보도에서 실제 보행자의 움직임 비디오카메라로 녹화하여 시각화하고, 그 데이터로부터 지배적인 방향성을 발견하여 그것을 토대로 가상의 방향성이 있는 삼각형을 실제 현실세계의 도로부터 빌딩 벽까지 이어지도록 배치했다. 이 작업으로 인해 공공장소의 벽이 예술적으로 해석된 아트워크의 캔버스가 될 수도 있으며, 디자인 프로세스로서의 의의도 가지게 된다.

Complexity Maps 2. Mark Lombardi - World finance corpotation and associates

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사용자 삽입 이미지

Mark Lombardi

1994년부터 "narrative structures"라는 금융과 역사적으로 중요한 스캔들에 대한 방대한 데이터를 정리하여 다이어그램으로 표현하여 독자에게 정치,사회,경제적 영향력의 실체와 그 관계를 폭로하는 프로젝트를 해오고 있는 컨셉예술가
컴퓨터 프로그램이 아니라 연필로 직접 드로잉한다